Explore the Kriation


"Maa" (Mother).. Now i know WHO YOU ARE...

I remember that day as a child, when I used to harass YOU a lot (which I still do)
The days when YOU did just everything for me (and still do),
The days when my sadness was nothing less than a nightmare for you (and still is)
The days when you worked 24 x 7 like a robot and I may have never realized  but all I did was had innocently asked,
"How do you manage to do so much? ", and till date YOU have just one answer... “Wait till the day you become a mother...”

One of my closest cousin sisters, recently had an angel baby girl, so it was my first experience to closely observe the first glimpses of a new born. I could relate to her a lot to a point as everyone recalled the days of my childhood whenever we saw her playing and smiling or even crying...But I suddenly realized that this little princess , is actually not even aware of her own-self. She is still discovering the faces, voices, movements around her... Those little hands which she crazily moved as if she wanted to box with someone, she didn't even know whether they were hers...or what they were...Those little legs which she almost made to dance, she didn't even know, could make her roam the world and explore wonders.

But this period of mere 7 days, made me realize something important within, which I hadn't in all these years, or I must say, I hadn't valued all these years –
 “It’s you Maa (Mother)”

Isn't it strange...that a baby, who cannot say anything, but still by her little expressions, made me realize how important YOU are.
Its definitely true that one tends to realize the importance of a person only when you take his/her place. And that’s what I observed in these 7 days...
A mother realizing how important her own mother is for her...and how the cycle tends to repeat for her when she becomes a grandmother and teaches her own daughter to take care of her baby.
In this process, the relation that becomes really lovely and strong is that between a Daughter and a Mother.

"And so has mine with you Maa..."

The person who has well adjusted with all my worst and irritating habits is YOU...and so I understand why you get angry even today on my little mistakes....
I have made you wake up so many nights, and no better than you could accompany me that time...and so I know why you still worried when I come home late....
Countless times must you have given up your happiness and interests just because I had to be attended first, and I am sorry if I still take the first share unknowingly...from now I will take care....
Just a little cry of mine made you run to me like a storm, and there i was in your arms, quiet and still, and smiling, and secure, and still your arms are the best place to be in...
I know I do feel a little trapped sometimes, but I now know that you are possessive about me, and fear to let me go alone...
Well, I still don’t know exactly the feeling of what a Mother actually is, but yes, the respect for YOU has definitely increased. I may have many differences from you, but you tend to have them with the ones you love so so much...
I don't know if ever I will be able to understand YOU...or WHO YOU ARE...

But surely I agree to the world known fact....


