Explore the Kriation


Can I call it REVENGE?

Image courtesy - Google - www.leannehannah.com

Ever imagined a possibility such… 

Where a dream comes true with efforts not much? 

Ever craved for a feeling as such… 

Where a moment of pain vanishes with a touch? 

Hopes are many, wishes are endless… 

Dreams in a penny, stories in a nutshell… 

Grieving sights, tears of despair… 

Happiness craving for sparkles to declare… 

A hailing truth, a falsely storm… 

Waits by closely to destroy your warmth… 

Running in a crowd, forced to walk 

Waiting for doors to open, the doors that are locked! 

A cuddly feel, but a fake visual 

A shivering belief, but soggy ritual 

Hovers in air, an aimless affair… 

Ready to tear some grappling stare. 

Then the hopes go down and faces depart 

Left with shatter in millions of hearts 

Inviting new challenge, calling for a rage 

Some millionth part of a chapter in this world called stage! 

And the victory beholds in the hands of some unknown 

But you are left with questions alone 

Imagination ruins and takes a downfall… 

You crave for that touch to give a safety call 

Strangling and blabbering are emotions inside 

Does the feeling of revenge really take pride?

For things in your hands which you slowly let loose,

For some feeling of hatred which led you on a cruise..

Of stormy rides, of meaningless prides..

A ruined world, which you were made to choose.

By a mind so lost in a chilling frost,

And a heart so alone, in some filthy slot

You surely cannot dance, wearing a pair of oversize shoes

But this realization also comes with the shoes you choose!!!


Mirage of my Life!!!!

An illusion to behold....
A story untold...
A far away somewhere...
Can be reached from nowhere...
Yes you are the Mirage of my life !!!

A vanishing flame...
An already lost game...
A feeling so pure...
An omnipresent cure.....
Yes, you are the Mirage of my Life.

A shivering hold...
Unsolvable fold...
Wavering past glory...
A magical memory....
Yes you are Indeed the Mirage of my Life.

I cannot have you....
But I can still feel you....
I cannot reach you...
But can still enjoy your sight....
You are the ultimate Mirage of my Life!!!!

Just 10 minutes is what it took me to write this................!!


Are you Civilized?

If one finger points at me, the other three are towards you!!! Question your own self first!!!

Civilized....A state of being characterized by taste, refinement, or restraint - of politeness and being well - mannered. I was giggling while referring to these meanings, as I don't think, many of us belong to these words in actual sense, So are we civilized indeed? Recently the outrages of" Uncivilized people in the society should be removed"...."We need to change ourselves first " , was quite a lot being heard just everywhere. But what are the extremities we all living in ? What do we need to change...Have we tried to even question that? Thus I here by come with an unexpected conclusion, majority of us out there, including me, are in the Non - Civilized category.

I know, there must be many questions bombarding in your mind, how, why, what the hell you saying and all. Patience please!! A civilized person is characterized by refinement of restraint...remember? How many of us are actually well - mannered or polite to be said in true sense? Don't we follow the much applauded quote - Rules are meant to be broken? And here I am not speaking about people below the age of 18. I am talking about real adults - people who own the right to Vote, the right to choose their leaders, make their decisions, and yes, live an independent life. Firstly we all should be matured enough to understand ourselves following the true meaning of a civilized society.Lets take an example: Primitive man was uncivilized. He didn't know anything. But he had all the natural gifts given to himself just like each one of us. He needed to evolve. But don't we need to evolve as well? Primitive man to modern man has seen a huge degree of evolution in terms of technologies, developments, leadership, and the list is endless. But where are our MORAL VALUES? Most of us have parents to teach us that, if not, school does that, and if not even that, experiences make us realize so much. But do we really know the meaning of well - mannered and politeness? And that too not only in the way we act, it could be mere pretense  but also in the way we think!

When I see, hundreds of people, impatiently forcing the traffic to break the red lights, restless people blowing horns to probe the ones on the front to move ahead, it seems as if everyone has forgot the traffic rules and even the traffic policemen don't give a damn to it. Even for that matter, breaking queues, pushing the other to get ahead of that, trying to be first and fast all the time. I don't blame every individual for this attitude of being uncivilized, I belong the same category too, there is nothing personal, let me repeat that, there is nothing personal. But have our priorities changed from being a civilized human to the state of being uncivilized? Have the tensions and pressures of daily life increased so much, that we giving up on our real actual selves? Where is all this coming from? This is what needs to be questioned. The coming generation will be more demanding, more impatient and only choose things more  easier their way. This is just one example. There could be countless number of them in our daily lives. Like, don't we tend to think for just ourselves when it comes to making an Honorable and respectful successful life? We forget to give importance to people who actually made us what we are today, most of the times. 

Sometimes, I think, primitive man had a much relaxed life,  close to nature, and free indeed. We all are bound somewhere in the loops of self centered attitudes, selfishness, fulfilling and running after useless materialistic dreams, and have forgotten the meanings of living and life, for both ourselves and others. How the hell are we supposed to act in polite way with others, when we don't treat our own selves that way. And that's what, is being uncivilized termed as. Everything is becoming a mere duty, whether we want or not, we have to do it. We treat it as such, its not that something becomes duty, or that feeling comes overnight. But the priorities change, and that makes us think and do that way. Our urges are becoming out of control. We want to achieve and have just everything, and this WANT....I want, are dangerous norms.

Its a heavy stuff to take for now, a realization which may come in generations uncounted. But its is a fact. Look around you, and someone or the other is breaking rules, being dominating, dictating the other, using harsh slang as a casual language, and then we all say.....its 21st century dude...chalta hai! (its okay) which is not at all OKAY! Why have we just accepted everything because everyone does it? Don't we have a self  - identity...a respected..a polite one? 

Gandhiji, I would say, is an ideal example of a CIVILIZED MAN. But then would his norms work in the society of today? What has changed so much...Its we or the situations? Our army men are disciplined and dignified, constantly standing up and fighting against all odds to protect our country. On the contrary, the rage from policemen at the protest in Delhi, was not at all acceptable. Why people become puppets at the hands of so called powerful individuals. Doesn't that make them uncivilized? Whats the difference then between the Free India today, and that was before 1947? Only the leaders are Indian, that's it?

Thus, my aim is to make you start questioning this with you and around you. There is a CIVILIZED human in all of us. But he is sleeping. Its high time, to wake him up, and fight to being OURSELVES for the betterment of this society. There may be millions of examples of uncivilized people around us, but do not forget, there are hundreds of Civilized ones too. We just tend to ignore them at the concept of IDEAL or SPECIAL people. Its not about being special or different, its about being REAL and true. Its about FACING it as a HUMAN....a strong courageous one. 


I Miss you...Yes, I do!

There are some people in your life, you tend to miss at some point of time, not like you dying to be with them forever, but for those rare moments you shared once with them. These moments become memories, indeed sweetest of ever, and you get charged up all over again whenever you rewind back. I have shared such rare moments too with some people, who eventually became really good friends, while some I know just as a glimpse of that time, But still, they did make a difference somewhere. I value each one of them and their memory is like a silver lining between the dark clouds that set in my life now and then. This little poem is dedicated to each one of them. Thank you for being there when I was finding a New meaning to my Life.

Missing, a feeling, a healing, to something so real,
Had felt in those moments of truthfulness surreal
Like a wave of, in the caves of memories to unfurl;
You came to, remained so precious like a pearl.
That shine …so fine…remains still so prime;
Faded not yet, to forget the farthest marines,
Of the laughter, one after the moments we shared in games,
Even a slightest, but the mightiest of shines in the flickering flame.

I miss you, yes I do…you always pass my mind through;
Even for that single time, that time which couldn't be better in few.

I miss you, Yes I do…for all those colourful rainbows you showed;
That filled in my life with butterflies, each time of spring, each time it snowed.

I may not, have spent all. A lifetime to recall;
But I have learned …I have earned…the priceless treasures of all.

Still I…crave and try…To relive every fraction of that mile
That walked I…in shadows of you…in the snowy path through every tile.

Life comes with surprises to cheer…
And with you I have given up so many fears…
The real meaning of Freely Living today…
Came only with the experiences shared your way…
So I miss you…and will do…to slowly peep back through my memory lane..
That shared we…calmly that carried we…in real..in life common to us somewhere!!


Don't console me please.....!

I wished for your smile, but you took mine away…
I wished for your happiness, but you stole mine away…
I wished for you – a bright day, but you left darkness my way…
All had I wished you to hold my hand, but ultimately you made me Lonely today.

I had hopes so innocent, dreams to cherish around…
But you took them away with you and made me numbly clowned!

I had sparkles in my eyes when I watched you come towards me…
But you changed my life into a tear producing industry!

I had learned to live again. Hope again. Dream again with you…
But you shattered it all, destroyed me to fall in an island made of sand dunes!

Now hatred is all I carry with me, to an unending sea of silence beneath
Waiting for the storm to come, and take me away to earth's underneath;
Bury me in a world, in a place, where I can learn to die in real…
As falseness is all left with me, pretense ruling among fears!

Life is something I don’t understand today, Love is a show off stuff
If there is something left in you from me, kindly return to my gulf!

Not to give back the love I had once showered on you with an open heart selflessly…
But to give me a hope to live, to live without hating somebody!
Not to console, or hold me just for the sake of giving me life;
But to teach me to be selfish and think about myself, and not pretend to be a butterfly.
As this world including you, sets the butterfly to freely sway first day…
Only to ruin its colours, originality and cut its wings for their own selfish ways.